The Supreme Court Criminal Division director traveled to the Samangan province.

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۶/۵ - ۱۵:۱۶
The Supreme Court Criminal Division director traveled to the Samangan province.

Under the special guidance of Shaikh Abdul Hakim "Haqani, the chief justice of the supreme court, the head of the criminal division of the supreme court, Mufti Atiqullah "Darwish” traveled to the Samangan province, for the solution of the criminal cases and visited provincial officials as well, dated 20/2/1446 A.H.

During these two-days visit of the supreme court criminal division director mufti Atiqullah “Darwish” who was accompanied by Mufti Abdul Hai “Shaker” resolved six criminal cases, most of which involved murder cases.

During the travel, Mufti Atiqullah “Darwish” met with Samangan appellate court director and judicial members as well, and guided some important related issues.
Then he met with both parties of the criminal cases and conducted a complete investigation on them.

In addition, the Honorable Mufti Atiqullah “Darwish” met with the Governor of Samangan Province, Mowawi Muhammad Shoaib "resalat,” and other officials, and for enhancing the administrative coordination activities with other provincial institutions, he gave beneficial instructions and guided them to reach client cases on time.

At the end of this meeting, the officials of the provincial institutions assured the head of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court they would cooperate with each other in case of need in order to solve the problems of the people and provide the best services to the citizens.

It’s worth mentioning that the Supreme Court criminal division director traveled to the other provinces also for the solution of the criminal cases.

تازه ترین اخبار

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۰ - ۱۴:۲۰
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محاکم ولايات غزنی و نيمروز طی دو هفته علاوه بر رسيدگی به (۳۵۳) دوسیه، به تعداد (۲۸۴) قطعه وثایقرا  نیز اجرا نموده‌است

خلاصۀ اجراآت قضائی محاکم ولايات غزنی و نیمروز، دواوين محاکم مرافعه، وثايق، ابتدائیۀ شهرى و ابتدائیۀ ولسوالى‌ها از تاريخ ( ۱۶/ ۷/ ۱۴۴۶ هـ ق الى ۲۹/ ۷/ ۱۴۴۶ هـ ق) در بخش هاى حقوقى، جزائی. . .

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۰ - ۱۱:۴۱
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رئیس محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت دایکندی از محبس مرکزی آن ولایت بازدید نمود

محترم شیخ مولوی عبدالکریم (محمدی) رئیس‌ عمومی‌ محکمۀ‌ مرافعۀ ولایت دایکندی؛ با همراهی نصرالله (ابراهیمی) آمر تحریرات محکمۀ مرافعه به تاریخ ۵ /۸ /۱۴۴۶ هـ ق از آمریت تنظیم امور زندان آن. . .

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۰ - ۱۱:۳۵
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رئیس محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت جوزجان از محکمۀ ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی آقچۀ آن ولايت بازديد نمود

 محترم الحاج مولوی عبدالغنی (سعید) رئیس عمومی محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت جوزجان؛ به تاریخ   ۵ /۸ /۱۴۴۶ هـ ق از محکمۀ ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی آقچۀ آن ولايت بازدید بعمل آورد.
رئیس محکمۀ مرافعه در این. . .

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