Condolence message

Sat, Oct 19 2024 10:26 AM
Condolence message

we extends its deepest condolences to the Mujahidin brothers, the resilient people of Palestine, and the entire Islamic Ummah on the martyrdom of the head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, the esteemed leader Abu Ibrahim Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar.

He ascended to his Lord as a heroic martyr, having advanced courageously in battle after leading a valiant fight against the Zionist occupation. Throughout his life, he exemplified the highest standards of sacrifice and bravery, standing firm alongside his brothers and soldiers until his final moments, defending the honorable land of Gaza.

He devoted his life to the just cause of defending Al-Aqsa Mosque and the blessed land of Palestine. May Allah have mercy on him, forgive his shortcomings, and grant him a place in paradise.

We pray that Allah Almighty accepts him among the martyrs and showers all the deceased with His boundless mercy. We also ask Him to elevate their ranks in the highest levels of paradise, among the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous.

We further ask Allah to bless the people of Palestine with a righteous successor who will follow in his footsteps, continue his path, and carry the banner of jihad until Palestine is fully liberated from Zionist occupation.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Shaikh Abdul Hakim “Haqqani”

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Sat, Oct 19 2024 10:26 AM
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Condolence message

we extends its deepest condolences to the Mujahidin brothers, the resilient people of Palestine, and the entire Islamic Ummah on the martyrdom of the head of the Political Bureau of. . .