By efforts of the Share Safa district primary court in Zabul province, the family of the deceased forgave the killer

Tue, Nov 21 2023 3:01 PM
By efforts of the Share Safa district primary court in Zabul province, the family of the deceased forgave the killer

On Sunday, 1445/5/5, the family of the deceased forgave the killer, which was a traffic accident case resolved by the effort of the primary court of Shahr-e Safa district of Zabul province.
The mentioned case was accrued in shahr-e Safa district “Sangarmanda” related aria, and after collecting the case information by the Zabul traffic agency, it was referred to the primary court of shahr-e Safa Primary court of Zabul province.
After the case investigation, it was resolved peacefully, with the mediation of Ulima and tribal leaders, between the heirs of the deceased (Qaim, son of Rustam Khan), who was a resident of Now Abad village, Shinwari district of Parwan, and the car owner (Abdulwaris, son of Haji Saif-Din).
Finally, the killer was forgiven by the deceased family, and the case was ended with satisfaction and happiness on both sides.
It should be noted that this is the 8th murder case that has been resolved by the efforts of the Shahr-e Safa district Primary court.

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